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SurrealDB Integration

SurrealDB is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database.

To integrate SurrealDB to Windmill, you need to save the following elements as a resource.

Add SurrealDB Resource

PropertyTypeDescriptionRequiredWhere to find
namespacestringNamespace for the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Namespaces
databasestringDatabase name for the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Databases
scopestringScope of the SurrealDB instancetrueSurrealDB Dashboard -> Scopes
userstringUsername for the SurrealDB instancefalseSurrealDB Dashboard -> Users
passstringPassword for the SurrealDB instancefalseSurrealDB Dashboard -> Users
urlstringURL of the SurrealDB instancefalseProvided by SurrealDB when you create the instance

Your resource can be used passed as parameters or directly fetched within scripts, flows and apps.

Example of a Supabase resource being used in two different manners from a script in Windmill.


Feel free to create your own SurrealDB scripts on Windmill.